Altar Care Altar care and other décor/environment needs of the church. If you are able to give about an hour of your time each week to help keep our worship space in order, please call us. Your behind-the-scenes help in this ministry is invaluable! Please call the Altar Carefor more information. Altar Servers We welcome all children to be involved in our church community and encourage them to help serve mass. To be an altar server, children must have been baptized and completed their First Communion. If your child is interested, they must attend an altar servers training session. Please contact the church office for more detailed information.
ALTAR SERVER TRAINING 9/9/24 , 9/11/24, AND 9/13/24 All those interested in altar serving must attend our upcoming Altar Servers training in the church. Monday (orientation) on Sept 9 at 5:30pm, Wednesday(training), Sept 11 at 5:30pm and Friday(training) Sept. 13 at 5:30pm
Baptism Ministry Each and every time a new baby is welcomed into God’s Family it is a blessing, not only for the child and his or her family, but for all of us. You could have the privilege of witnessing these grace-filled moments by being part of our Baptism Ministry Team. Please call the Parish Office (310) 323-8900 for more information regarding this exciting ministry!
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic Minister to the Altar Contact: English - Bea Roza (310) 614-9492 Spanish/Español - Martha Tapia (310) 429-5722 Description: Eucharistic ministers serve the community of St. Catherine's by assisting to distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ on a regular basis at Sunday liturgical celebrations. Meetings: Two to three times per year for administrative and spiritual meetings, usually scheduled on Saturdays and in the Annex or the Hall. Volunteer Opportunities are Available! What Is Needed: People to distribute Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of Christ, to the congregation at Mass. Requirements: Must be a Confirmed Catholic who believes in the true presence of Jesus' Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Training: Eight to ten hours of training for assisting and distributing Eucharist at Sunday liturgies. Commitment: Two to three times a month.
Lectors - English Masses Contact: English - Fran Ondell (310) 327-7042 Spanish / Español - Cuca Peralta (310) 560-2171 Description: The ministry of Lector or Reader is in the same relationship to the Word of the Lord (Jesus) as the relationship of Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist to the Precious Body and Blood (Jesus). He is present fully and completely in both the Word and the Eucharist. The goal of the Lector is to share the Real Presence of Jesus the Word to the congregation as instruments of His voice. We prayerfully, thoughtfully, carefully prepare and live with the Readings for hours each day before proclaiming the Word in the Mass. It is a sacred trust and privilege to lend our voices to God to bring His Word to His People. Meetings: No set meetings as a group. Lectors are scheduled to Masses according to their availability. Schedule: The schedule of lectors is available online but is accessible only to the lectors. Volunteer Opportunities are Available! What Is Needed: People with clear speaking voices and little accent who are willing to rotate through the Mass schedule 2-3 times per month. Requirements: Clear speaking voices and good vocabulary. Must be Confirmed and a Catholic in good standing. Training: Training provided with a mentor for as long as it takes for both to feel comfortable for the new person to solo. Commitment: 2-3 times per month on a rotating schedule planned two months at a time. Lectors can submit their availability and/or get a substitute if needed, but most usually fulfill their assignments as posted.
Liturgy Committee The Liturgy Committee mission statement is to celebrate liturgies that articulate and support the faith of our community, within the traditions and expressions of our parish, in a manner that is clear and efficient, so they inspire heartfelt Christian actions by the individual and by the community. Meetings are held as needed, several times per year for approximately sixty to ninety minutes. Please contact the Liturgy Committee Leader.
Usher and Greeters The ministry of hospitality welcomes the faithful, aid those who need help or have questions, assist with procession, collections and distribution of bulletins with a smile after each mass. Please contact the Randy Shetter, Usher Coordinatorfor more information on how you can help.